Why I Stay–Slice of Life 4/16

Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers
host the Slice of Life every Tuesday.

A fellow blogger and Nerdy Book Club member, Beth Shaum,  recently put together a project about teacher retention.  She put out the call for submissions and I dropped the ball and didn’t remember to write mine out and send it to her.

Then, a few days ago, I saw that the project had been completed.  I clicked on the link curious to find out how this project turned out and was amazed at this video.  What a powerful message and an important one for lawmakers and administrators to see.

In case you missed it:

You can go to the blog to continue the conversation here.

Why I Stay in education:

  • Because I love my students and want to help them reach their potential
  • Because it is the most challenging thing I have ever done…which also makes it the most rewarding
  • Because each year I turn students into voracious readers that can’t wait to share books with me
  • Because I can help students learn to love math 
  • Because I get to see amazing thoughts turned into thoughtful and well-crafted writing
  • Because of the ah-ha moments and lightbulbs
  • Because of the silence in the room when we read a particularly captivating book
  • Because of the laughter from our attempts at humor and creativity
  • Because every day I am reminded of how much hope I have for the future
  • Because students need to have passionate teachers to guide them
  • Because I get to help students learn how to get past intolerance to learn empathy and acceptance
  • Because of the times that they take my ideas and make them better 
  • Because of the learning that I get to do each and every day
  • For the students who come back to tell me how much I influenced them
  • For the students who come to school every day needing a hug or a smile 
  • For the parents who love to see me when we bump into each other in the grocery store
  • For the colleagues I can collaborate with in person and those in my PLN
I know this has been a popular subject today, but I can’t think of another more important subject to write about than my passion for this wacky, challenging, infuriating, and amazing profession.  

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

3 thoughts on “Why I Stay–Slice of Life 4/16”

  1. I've been having a hard time keeping up with blogs and Twitter in the last couple of months. It's just gotten very busy. I'm so glad I stopped by your blog tonight. I had missed this conversation and am so happy to have stumbled upon it. You have so many reasons you stay that I'm sure you will be doing what you love for a very long time!

    Couldn't agree more with this one: "Because every day I am reminded of how much hope I have for the future."


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