Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

I am joining in on this weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week there is a different top ten list topic and a bunch of bloggers weighing in.  Head on over there to see more of the great blogs participating.

Authors are rock stars.  This week’s topic was a fun one to think about, but really difficult for me to figure out.  There are so many great authors out there and I am sure there are a lot that deserve more recognition, but I couldn’t come up with more so you are stuck with my top six.  The authors I listed are ones that might have some recognition already, but I felt like they could use some extra love and recognition.  These authors are in no particular order.


Diana Abu-Jaber is an Iraqi-American author.  She writes beautiful and lyrical prose.  I first heard of her while attending the Key West Literary Seminar a few years ago.  She was part of the panel of authors there to talk about food writing. Her memoir The Language of Baklava tells of a childhood growing up in America with a dad who dreamed of someday moving back to Iraq.  Her novels are must-reads.


Elizabeth Kostova is the author of The Historian which is one of my all-time favorite books.  She also writes beautiful prose and the subject matter of her books is so intriguing.  I loved The Swan Thieves as well and cannot wait for more from this amazing author.


Camilla Läckberg is a mystery writer from Sweden. I absolutely love the Fjällbacka series.  This is a series of books set in the very north of Sweden. Her characters are interesting and likable people and I am thrilled when I find out there is another book to read.  I first discovered this author in one of my trips to Spain.  She was a bestseller there with her first book The Ice Princess.  In the US, her books have not been available for long.  I believe that only the first two books in the series have come out here, but not to worry, there are UK editions of all 8 books so they will be here soon.


Kristin Cashore is the author of the Graceling trilogy.  Maybe I am stretching it a bit here.  All three of the books in the trilogy received a ton of recognition and praise.  However, I think she deserves more.  These books are AMAZING!!!!


Carolina Garcia-Aguilera is a Cuban-born American writer.  I love her mystery series starring the protagonist Lupe Solano.  I devoured this series when I found it and was really disappointed that there weren’t more books.  I hope there are more to come in the future.


Matthew Quick recently received some much-deserved recognition when his book The Silver-Lining Playbook was made into a movie.  However, I think this author deserves even more.  His young adult books are amazing.  I recently read Sorta Like a Rock Star and was very impressed with the ability he had to get inside a teenage girl’s mind and deliver such a realistic voice.
Boy21 is one of my favorite books that I read last year.

What authors do you think deserve more recognition?  Did I forget someone obvious?  Please comment below and share your thoughts.

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition”

  1. I love the layout of your blog and how you presented your list! I have read some Cashore. The rest are ones to explore. Thanks!

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