This is a weekly linky party hosted by Jennifer at Mrs.Laffin’s Laughings. We can give each other a peek into what will be going on in our classrooms this week.
This week, a lot of my class time will be taken up with state testing. In Wisconsin, students have to test in all content areas in 4th and 8th grade. Therefore, my 8th grade students will be testing all week. We do two testing sessions each day. Much of my morning will be taken up with testing and then I will try to fit in a few lessons here and there. It is difficult to plan for that time when the test ends each day because I don’t want to overwhelm my students.
In the afternoons, we switch classes and I teach 3 Language Arts classes. Our work this week in 8th grade will center around the preparation for NaNoWriMo which starts on Friday. The other big project that we have going on is Genius Hour. Students need to be starting to get their projects together for the end of the trimester.
What is on deck for your week at school? Have a fabulous week!
Hey Andrea,
I'm so glad you linked up so I could find your blog! (I don't see a way to follow you though…)
Where in Wisconsin do you teach? I'm from the Kenosha area.
Best of luck for the WKCE's! So glad this is the last year!!
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings