Slice of Life: Summer Travels 3/8

I am participating again this year in the Slice of Life challenge in which we write a slice every day in March.  If you are interested in joining in, visit the Two Writing Teachers blog for more information.

When my husband became a teacher, we were excited that we would finally have the summer off together. We were hoping to spend extended time in Spain with his family most summers. Our plan this year was to go to Spain together to spend a month at the beach with his parents. We have done this in the past and it has always been amazing. 
Yesterday, we made the decision to have just my husband go for this time to visit with his family. It is just too expensive for both of us to go and to find someone to care for our dog while we are away. I am disappointed that this is what we had to do. We were hoping that lower fuel prices would bring airline tickets down in price, but no such luck. 
I know there are many things that I will be able to do this summer while my husband is gone, not the least of which is going to my sister’s house in California to help her care for my niece Lena and the niece that will be making an appearance at the end of June. However, I am sad that I will not be going to Spain with Ramon. The time there is always energizing, if a little bit annoying to be staying with in-laws. 
I do not like this adult responsibility of having to be aware of budget constraints. Sometimes I wish I were still in the carefree stage of reckless abandon and freedom to spend money on travels because I didn’t have to pay for house, food, car, etc. 
Its time to start a travel fund jar. You would think after 15 years of this we would already have done so. Oh, well. Better late than never.  Here’s to hoping that next summer we both can spend some quality time in sunny southern Spain. 

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

7 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Summer Travels 3/8”

  1. Spain does sound like a good time…but, like you said…being an adult…there are also those annoying responsibilities. But when you look back you may discover that all of this was okay…visiting your sister and niece in California can be rewarding and good family time. There will be other summers…and other adventures.

  2. Oh, I'm sorry you won't be going to Spain. Maybe if you spend time planning your trip to California you'll find that it's just the right trip for this year. I once read somewhere that just the act of planning a trip increases one's happiness. I hope this is true for you. Also that you start the travel jar!

  3. Oh, I'm sorry you won't be going to Spain. Maybe if you spend time planning your trip to California you'll find that it's just the right trip for this year. I once read somewhere that just the act of planning a trip increases one's happiness. I hope this is true for you. Also that you start the travel jar!

  4. I think a travel jar is a great idea. I need to start one myself. With a daughter in college it seems we are always budgeting our funds. Enjoy you family in California! Don't forget there's Skype, Google Hangout, and Face Time. Using one of those from time to time can help you connect with your husband face-to-face while he's away.

  5. I collect money from the dryer and put it in a jar; lately my husband has been too responsible in cleaning out his pockets, leaving my fund short. BTW, I can't fathom a time in life w/out the responsibility of being an adult and paying for things the way an adult must; I've been paying all my expenses since I was 15, but I am going to Spain, and London, and Paris, and Rome in a week and a half.

  6. It may not sound like a fun way to spend the summer right now, but you may find that there are some positives that happen once you enjoy your summer in this way. It is always good to try new things. After all, if you don't like it, it will give you even more of a reason to save for the next time!

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