On Monday, April 12th we will need to go to the school building for work. Since last March, my husband and I have been working from home (well, except for over summer break). In the school district where we work, we were able to make remote work plans and work from home during virtual instruction. That is all about to end.
Except for a few days here and there, when I have reported to the school building for special work days, we have put together a pretty great routine. The best part of working from home has been the way that our regular routines, like doing laundry or cooking lunch, have fit so nicely into our work days.
Eating lunch every day together is such a nice part of my day that I am going to really miss. Being able to chat in between classes and during prep times has also been so great. I wonder what we can do to keep some of this feeling of checking in with each other when we are in separate places.
I am not really too worried about going to the school building. Luckily, we both will be fully vaccinated by the time we are back in the building. I think it will be nice to actually meet many of my new colleagues for the first time in person. And, it will be nice to be around kids again. (Even if the plan is crazy riddled with holes and will be crazy to implement well)
What makes me nervous right now are the small details that I need to figure out. After so many days in the routine of working from home, I have my morning routine figured out. Now, I need to start from scratch and figure in travel time. And getting breakfast and lunch ready to take with me. And putting on actual pants and actual shoes.
It was really nice to have a stretch of time in which we could have the luxury of working from home. Now, it’s time to get working on those routines!
This post is a part of the 14th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. After a few years away, I am challenging myself to write every day in March this year, along with an amazing community of other bloggers. You can find our writing linked up on the Two Writing Teachers blog.
Andrea, I relate to your worries and the things you will miss. I hope it all works out for you and your family!
Thank you!
Your Slice makes me sad, in that, your district has decided to send y’all back when the school year is mostly over. Your Slice makes me happy when I read about the routines you and your husband have enjoyed while working from home. I know you will be able to fill in the holes “the powers that be” left in their plan. Praying you, your staff, your students and your husband have THE MOST AMAZING ENDING TO THE SCHOOL YEAR!
Thank you! I am sure we will get it figured out.