I try not to let anxiety take me over. Today it won. I just have so many thoughts swirling and whirling in my head.
There were movers coming with some hand-me-down furniture, which meant moving some of our stuff out of the way so they could maneuver. I was nervous about it. (But it turned out fine)
Tomorrow my 11-year-old dog has a surgical procedure to remove a malignant growth on her leg. I know it is pointless to worry about things that I cannot control, but this dog is our baby…we have had her since she was two months old. I know I have to be getting ready for it, but I don’t want to face it any time soon. My fingers are crossed that when this growth is sent in, the edges are clean in the biopsy and we are done with it.
Yesterday, our district administration shared their plan for re-opening the school buildings. The plan has staff coming back much sooner than what had previously been published in the timeline for returning. And it brings up so many questions and I am just a big ball of anxious thoughts.
Oh well, I don’t often wallow in these types of thoughts and I won’t continue to do so. Tomorrow is a new day. I may need a good cry or a good run, but I will be okay.

This post is a part of the 14th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. After a few years away, I am challenging myself to write every day in March this year, along with an amazing community of other bloggers. You can find our writing linked up on the Two Writing Teachers blog.

Sending virtual hugs – you have a lot to think about. I hope all goes well with your pup! I also hope your district carefully plans for students to return. We are hybrid and I was very anxious when students first came back.
Thank you. We have a big district so there are some careful plans at the top but not enough details to help us see how the plans will work at individual schools. I hope the plans work out. Thanks for the virtual hugs. I need them.
Hang in there! I hope all goes well with the surgery. We also got word in the last week about school re-opening and everyone, myself included is now filled with so much anxiety and uncertainty. We will all be OK. I hope.
I try hard to not let the anxiety take control but it sometimes just slips through. Good luck with your school re-opening. I hope it is more detailed and better thought out than my school district’s plan seems to be.
Andrea, I’m sorry you are having anxiety. I pray the surgery goes well. I’m sorry your school district has changed what it previously stated. I believe everything will work out just fine. Know that I am praying for you.
Thank you. I appreciate the prayers.