This is a weekly meme that gives bloggers an opportunity to share the books they have been reading. This one is hosted by Jen and Kellee over at TeachMentorTexts. Head on over to get more ideas of great books to read.
Books I read this week:
Mike Lupica’s Hero was a really fun read. I could really understand how confused Zach was about the role he was learning about and about who to trust. It would be very disconcerting to find out that your dad had been a superhero and that you were destined to continue the fight against the “bads.” I think all kids grade 4 and up could relate to this kid and his extraordinary situation.
I have been waiting for Tiger’s Destiny by Colleen Houck for what seems like eons. The third book in the saga had a ginormous cliffhanger at the end and then readers had to wait to find out what would happen. I have really enjoyed reading this series. I love the premise of the Tiger’s curse and the girl who can help the tigers get free from it. Kelsey is maddeningly unsure of herself and there were a few times throughout the saga that I was ready to throw the book across the room because I was so frustrated with her stubbornness. I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect way to end the story than what was in this book. I don’t usually like epilogues that tie up loose ends, but in this case I was happy to have the happy ending. I highly recommend the series!!! (I even went to buy this one in hardcover because I just couldn’t wait for it at my library…that does not happen very often)
I enjoyed reading Amulet and will be looking for the rest to add to my class library. I can see why so many kids enjoy the story.
Books I am Currently Reading:
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa surprised me by having a protagonist that is a normal teenager to begin with. I thought the story would start out in the fairy realm, but I am liking having the perspective of a protagonist who does not have a clue about what is going on. It makes the book more suspenseful. I can’t wait to see if Meghan is able to save her brother from the winter court.
Books up Next:
I will probably read Between Shades of Gray this week and then it is a toss up about what book I choose from my pile.
I was pleasantly surprised by The Iron Fey series. Have you met Grimalkin yet? He's my favorite! Between Shades of Gray was really good as well. Good luck picking something from your pile. I am sure it's huge! Here is my list