It’s Saturday and that means it is time to reflect on the week and celebrate things both big and small. Join our community and celebrate this week by linking up or just stopping by the host Ruth Ayres’ blog to read others’ celebrations.
This week was tough. Two weeks ago my stepfather found out that the reason he was feeling so sick for the last six months or so was because he had very advanced Cancer (either stomach or colon cancer). He was working to heal himself through his faith of Christian Science, which is why he had not had screenings or had not seen a doctor yet. We all reeled at the news and were thinking that we would have to cherish the last months with him. He had fluid removed and was eating and feeling a little better so my mom and stepbrother got their hopes up that they would have some more good times with him. Then, last Tuesday, he got really sick. They went to the ER and found out that it was a bowl perforation. There was nothing to be done. He passed in the middle of the day Wednesday. It was so quick and it was overwhelming. So, I started my week this week with a funeral on Monday. I celebrate the life of my stepfather and the many friends and family who loved him and love us and are supporting my mom and stepbrother in their time of need. I also celebrate the excellent care of the nurses at the hospital. The vigil at the deathbed of a loved one is so very hard. The nurses worked not only to take care of my stepfather in his last hours, but also to take care of us. It was very nice. I also celebrate the good work that funeral homes do. I can’t imagine having that as a career, but it is such a tough time for grieving families and they do such a good job of helping to take care of details. The funeral director that worked with us was so good at helping my mom and stepbrother through the process of decision making.
The rest of my celebrations seem so small in the face of this big event, but they have helped carry me through a tough week.
- My sister and her family came to town to be here with the family. They are in the midst of their move to Savannah, so it was easier for her to stay here with the girls until their furniture and things arrive at their new house. She is going to be here until the end of this month and I am so happy about the chance to spend more time with her and my nieces.
The little tickle monster - My kitchen cabinets are installed. Counters come soon. We are seeing the light at the end of the remodeling tunnel and the kitchen is going to be so pretty!
- My students got right back into the swing of things after one pretty rough day. They had a sub for four days and we all know that means mayhem when you return. It only took one day to get them back on our routines.
- I only have a cough left over from the pretty nasty head cold I had all last weekend through Wednesday. I am glad it didn’t develop into bronchitis or sinus infection or something worse (knock on wood).
- The assistant who works with me also happens to be the mother of one of my students. She told me the other day her son told her that teachers are like electricians. He said that since the neurons in your brain fire like electricity, teachers help that happen so we are electricians. What a great analogy! And I am glad that my lessons are inspiring this deep thought about how his brain works.
What do you have to celebrate? I would love to hear from you in the comments!
Oh, Andrea, what a terrible time for you and all your family. I am so sorry for your loss. No matter how it happens, it's never the right time, never an easy thing. I admire you for finding those sweetest of celebrations, like for the nurses and the funeral director. They are certainly ones who touch us with kindness, and ones to be grateful for. I love all the other celebrations too. In the midst of sadness, having your sister and family must be a joy, and being an 'electrician' is an analogy is one to remember always. Hugs to you!
Andrea, What a beautiful mind you have to find all the different people to celebrate in your time of trouble and sadness. You mind is truly "wired" in a loving way.
Andrea, what a difficult week, and yet you took the time to celebrate with this community! Blessings as you move forward with family who will need you more than ever. We did a kitchen remodel last winter. It's hard, but so worth it when it's done! And it gets more exciting the closer it gets to completion.
Sorry for your loss. But thank you for sharing the good that can be found during bad times.