Celebrate July 5th

Join this fabulous group of bloggers as we celebrate our weeks. You can link up on Ruth Ayres blog at www.ruthayreswrites.com

This week I have to dig deep to find celebrations.  I spent the week in bed and am still recovering from Diverticulitis (an infection in my colon).  
I am celebrating modern medicine and the CT scan that quickly let the ER doctor know what was wrong. 
I am celebrating pain killers and nausea medicine. 
I am celebrating the antibiotics that I hope will kick the infection to the curb. 
I am celebrating my husband who has had to be a nurse and has gone to the store multiple times looking for soups and popsicles that I wanted.  
I am celebrating the fact that ABC is showing the World Cup game this morning so I can see it from home.  
Last but not least, I am celebrating the e-mail received from a student this week wishing me a happy 4th of July.  So nice to know that she is thinking of me during the summer.  
What are you celebrating this week?  I would love to hear from you in the comments! 

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

8 thoughts on “Celebrate July 5th”

  1. So sorry to hear about your week of illness, & hope the medicines will really "kick it to the curb" (love that!). Nice to hear about the e-mail-sweet thoughts. FYI-I'm watching the World Cup too, not sure who I want to win in this game. Hope the weekend is better than the week!

  2. So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Being sick in the summer is no fun, especially with what you have. (I was thinking of you the other day when I saw a story on the news about a new beer garden in Milwaukee. I remember your post!) Hope this is a MUCH better week for you!

    Sweet Writing Life

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon, Andrea. That sounds incredibly painful! Whenever I am sick, I am suddenly so incredibly grateful for one thing I pretty much take for granted every day: good health! Isn't it lovely to get those emails?

  4. Sorry you've been ill. Hoping that the meds and TLC work their magic so you'll be on the road to recovery soon. I love hearing from my students during the summer. Next week is our community's summer celebration, and it will be fun to see former students. My first question is always, "What are you reading?"

  5. Glad to hear that you are on the mend! I am really glad for Canadian TV as it has allowed me to see a few more World Cup games! Positive student e-mails are always worth celebrating!

  6. That is a terrible condition. My husband has it at times too. I hope you feel better. I am so glad despite all you found things to celebrate. Nice meeting you too.

  7. #lemonade
    Andrea, I love how this piece takes something that isn't so fun and finds all the positives. My friend had this a few weeks ago — now she can't eat fruit with seeds! I'm thankful for your husband, meds, and your good humor. 🙂 Take good care…

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