Celebrate 6/14

Join this fabulous group of bloggers as we celebrate our weeks. You can link up on Ruth Ayres blog at www.ruthayreswrites.com

This was a crazy, chaotic, exhausting, celebratory week.  The end of the school year is always exhausting, but this one is especially busy with thinking about packing up to move to a new classroom.

Here are a few highlights from my week:

Monday and Tuesday my students stepped up to help me clean.  At one point, I had half the class working in harmony to take down all the bulletin boards.  I had asked one student to start and they all joined in to get the job done.  This is one of the reasons that I will miss this group of students. Here are some selfies with a few students:

On Monday, I also brought in some books to give away to the students.  I had bought a box of books at the Scholastic sale so that I could give one to each student.  I put the box out on a table and told them that they could come get one if they wanted.  I did not plan it better because I did not expect the whole class to clamor for a book.  It was a stampede!  I love that these 8th graders have learned to appreciate reading and to be excited for a free book.

Wednesday, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and then to the bowling alley.  I had called the restaurant ahead of time, and the manager offered to give the kids a free soda with their lunch. We had a lot of fun, and I love how the students were conscientious and asking for help with calculating tips for our servers.

Then, after school on Wednesday, I picked my mom up from the airport and she came to school with me to decorate for the 8th grade completion ceremony.  She just returned from visiting my sister in California and decided to stay here an extra day so she could help in my classroom.  I had a good time with her.

Thursday, the tears were flowing at our completion ceremony.  The 8th graders looked so snazzy! We celebrated the years that these kids were with us.  It was great to see the families and some older siblings that are former students.  After their ceremony was finished, the students left with their families and I had time to work in my classroom with just my mom for company.

On Friday, my students did not have to come to school.  The rest of the school is in session, but the 8th graders get an extra day off.  8 of my students showed up to school anyway so that they could help me.  I didn’t ask them to do this, and I was not expecting it.  They just weren’t ready to say goodbye.  I love that I made such an impression that these kids felt they should come to help. Also, I appreciate all the help they gave me.  I am in really good shape for finishing my move to the new classroom.

I also put the World Cup games on in my classroom on Friday.  I invited any students who wanted to see the games into my classroom.  Since Mexico was playing in the first game of the day and it was the last day of school, I had quite a full house.  I love watching the World Cup and I was happy to share this experience with students.  Don’t ask me anything about the second game of the day…I don’t want to talk about it. (My husband is from Spain)

My experiences this week were a perfect way to say goodbye to teaching middle school, quit while you’re ahead.  I will miss some of the ways I built relationships with my middle school students, but I am ecstatic to go back to 4th grade.  I am much more of an elementary school teacher at heart.

Lastly, I am celebrating that summer is just about to start.  I have two more teacher work days and then my vacation begins.

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

6 thoughts on “Celebrate 6/14”

  1. Congrats on a wild and wonderful week. I'll miss you from the cadre of middle school bloggers, but 4th is as close to 6th as 8th grade is!

  2. Wow, what a last week! I think your students' enthusiasm is great – they obviously have great respect for you, that's something you earn! Enjoy some time for yourself now!

  3. I had to laugh at your comment about quitting while you're ahead! How wonderful that so many of you students voluntarily helped you with end-of-the-year organizing and cleaning! That really does show the strong relationships that you built–always, to me, the most important thing we can do as teachers. Clever idea to buy books at the book sale to give away as presents! I used to buy blank books on sale throughout the year so that I could give each student a new "writer's notebook" or sketch book at the end of the year.

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